
Python class: (ROSMicroPy)



Sets the domain ID of the ROS Node.


Sets the Namespace of the ROS Node.


Sets the NodeName of the ROS Node.

setWifiConfig(sta_id:str, pass:str)

Configures the ROSNode to attach to a specific SSID (sta_id) with a password.

registerDataType(mp_obj_t dataMap:rosTypeDataMap)

Using the dataMap defined by the ROS .msg compiler, create a virtual named type that will be used when receiving or publishing messages.

registerEventSubscription(eventName:str, dataTypeName:str, eventCallback)

Register a callback function that will be called when a named event arrives (i.e. /cmd_vel) This call will marshal the binary data passed in to the event, builds the Micropython representation of that variable and passes that to the registered callback function.

publishMsg(msgPath:str, dataTypeName:str, data:any)

Publish a ROS Message to the end point defined by msgPath, using a registered data type dataTypeName, along with the Micropython representation of that dataType. ROSMicroPy will populate the data message using named variables, i.e. Geometry_Twist defines two Vector3’s named linear and angular. ROSMicroPy will identity those variables by name and will ignore any named variables not defined in the data type.


Initialize the ROS Stack, initializing up the basic ROS infrastructure variables.


Create a Micropython thread and start the execution of the ROS Stack. This call will return right away after establishing the thread. As the thread is created, the GIL ( Micropython’s Global interpreter lock ) will be acquired to do some housekeeping, then released while the ROS Thread is spinning. When an event occurs that requires a callback into the interpreter, the GIL will be reacquired then release once the operation in Micropython is complete. This allows for minimal GIL arbitration and smoother Micropython execution